DUI/ DWI – Vehicle Seizures

Vehicle forfeitures are separate and distinct from the criminal prosecution of a New Mexico DWI or the Implied Consent Hearing related to your NM Driver’s License. Some counties have laws whereby the government | city seizes and forfeits (sells) the vehicle a person was driving while under the influence of drugs or intoxicating liquors.
The vehicle is seized and forfeited even if it is owned by someone other than the alleged “drunk driver” !!
Albuquerque Vehicle Forefeitures | DWI Vehicle Seizures
In Albuquerque, a hearing must be requested by filing out a Vehicle Forfeiture Hearing Request Form & a $50.00 fee (certified check) which must be mailed within 15 days of the seizure.
(1) Vehicle Forfeiture Hearing Request Form; (+)
(2) Certified Check of $50.00; (+)
(3) Mailed within 15 days including the day your car was seized.